Metal-Miners-GhostsFound guarding the entrance to the Lincoln Mine between Amador City and Sutter Creek. (16x24, $455)
Fish-in-Bins16x24 ($455)
Aray-Preps-the-Onionswhile visiting Amador City (12x18, $335; 16x24, $455)
Pool-Party #1in the Summer Amador City heat (12x24 / $395)
A-Mark-VisitFriend and Filmmaker/Artist Mark H. visits Fleehart St. bearing flowers.
Amador-City-Mothers'-Day /2019 / 1889With the past and present, outdoors in front of Small Town food & wine, strong echoes of Paris bistros. (12x36, $505)
Serious-BBQ-in-Amador-CitySunday Night Feast (8x24, $260)
Amador-City-Sketches #1 - Small-TownSaturday Night at the Small-Town Wine Bar (8x12, $185)
Move-to-Amador-City(from Oakland) (12x36 metal print, $505)
Street-Sketches #5 Driving Through (16x24, $455)
TransBay-Park #3After cracks discovered in support beams. (16x24, $5050
TransBay-Park # 2Before the cracks - 12x36, $505; 20x60, $1,495
TransBay-Park Early-Days #1Before San Francisco discovered cracks in the support beams — 16x24, $325 — see “Buy Prints”
Street-Sletches #5 - Kids
Street-Sketches #4Call Me Soon
Street-Sketches #3 - WheelsTaking a ride
Street-Sketches # 2 - Pizza
Street-Sketches #1 - After the Workout
Around-the-Lake #4
Around-the-Lake #2 - Day Dreaming
Around-the-Lake #1Noon-time travels through the columns at Lake Merritt.
Street-Vibes #3 - Peet'sStrollers, bikers, and gazers along Lakeshore Avenue.
Street-Vibes #2 - ChickenFlights of fantasy along Lakeshore Avenue.
Street-Vibes #1 - ArizmendiSun and shadow along Lakeshore Avenue.
Farmers'-Market #3 Abundance at our Saturday Oakland/Lakeshore/Splashpad Market. Hands reach in. Fruits and vegetables crescendo toward a near-center vanishing point.
Farmers'-Market #2
Farmers'-Market #1
Ferry #3
Ferry #2
Embarcadero-Bow #1
Wheels-'N-Feet #2c
Wheels-'N-Feet at Lake Merritt (1/1/18)
September-Wedding at Amador County
Saturday-Sailing at Lake merritt
Saturday-Drumming at Lake Merritt
Saturday-Balance at Lake Merritt
Saturday-Hula-Hoop at Lake Merritt
Sunday-Dancing at Lake Merritt
Crossing-Lakeshore #2
Community Columns #3
Public transportation - AMTRAK
Berths #2
Bolt 2
Public Transportation - BART
Crossing-Lakeshore #1